
People stand in a large commercial greenhouse surrounded by flowers. They hold foil balloons that read: £ 9 3 3 9 2

Could you help Norfolk to shine brighter today?

Supporting over 2,000 small charitable groups working on the ground, our work touches 1 in 4 people in Norfolk – from those dependent on local practical and social support, to whole communities benefiting from improved buildings and green spaces.

Your support is invaluable in helping us to build stronger communities and improve the lives of people in Norfolk.

Help ensure that the small local charities and voluntary groups who are providing essential care, support and opportunity for the most vulnerable in our communities can continue and grow by making a donation to the Norfolk Community Foundation today. You can donate securely online, or contact the team on 01603 623958 and we’ll be happy to help.

Our direct link with local charities on the frontline gives us an insight into the key issues facing people across the county. You can help back our action programme and start making a difference today by selecting from one of strategic funds below to donate online to.

To support our ongoing work responding to emerging needs in our communities, click here to donate to where it is needed most.

Are you a business looking to make a difference?

Join over 100 businesses and some of Norfolk’s leading brands who are already part of Good for Good, a groundbreaking programme making it easier for local businesses to achieve greater social impact.

Good for Good enables businesses to efficiently address the needs of local charities by donating time, assets, or funding in a strategic manner.

Do you want to make a greater impact and effect real change locally?

Join a leading group of donors who share your passion for supporting Norfolk.

The Norfolk 100 is a group of people committed to supporting communities across Norfolk. Our valued Norfolk 100 members demonstrate the power of collective giving, targeting support where it is most needed in the county, creating long-term strategic change.

  • Norfolk 100 members support local communities by donating 1/3 of their annual membership towards the Love Norfolk Fund for immediate grant giving, 1/3 towards the Love Norfolk Endowment Fund to support future grant giving, and 1/3 towards our Developing Communities Fund to invest in and develop strategic initiatives addressing key issues in Norfolk.
  • Norfolk 100 members commit to a 3-year giving plan of £1,500 annually for individuals and £1,750 annually for businesses.
  • As a member, you will be invited to our full event programme, giving you an opportunity to learn about the vital community support you have given, and to meet with fellow members who share your passion for making our county thrive. You will also receive regular updates on how you have made a difference.

Alongside tackling the key issues facing our county’s communities, we partner with others and bring funders together to address a range of areas of need. Take a look below at just some of the other funds you can support.

Do you already have a fund with us?

Continue to help make a real difference to Norfolk lives by topping up your fund. There has never before been so much need, so we’ve made it even easier for you to add money to your fund via the online form linked below. Want to know more about some of the initiatives you could get behind? Get in touch with us today to talk about the issues that matter to you and how we can help you to make the most difference.