Norfolk ProHelp

Meeting round the table

Partnering business with charities

The Norfolk ProHelp network is part of our Good for Good initiative and comprises of a wide range of businesses that are based or operating in Norfolk, and are committed to making a difference in our local community.

ProHelp enables voluntary and community groups in Norfolk with the greatest need to access professional support which they could otherwise not afford, meaning they can focus their resources on supporting people in need of their services. From marketing, IT, surveying and valuation to boiler maintenance, event photography and more, we link up local businesses who want to give back with charities making a difference.

Free professional skills available

Member businesses commit their time to provide a one-stop-shop for the voluntary sector to access free professional skills and expertise in a range of services.

Norfolk ProHelp can offer support one-to-one if you have a particular challenge to overcome, as well as group information and training sessions covering key issues affecting charities such as trusteeship, preparing budgets and annual accounts, and staff wellbeing.

Part of the Empowering Communities Partnership, funded by Norfolk County Council, Norfolk ProHelp has not only matched up businesses with charities in need, but provided vital training and support to strengthen and upskill Norfolk’s charities and community groups. From ‘ask us’ sessions providing one-to-one support with an expert on topics including marketing, fundraising and HR, to webinars and workshops on avoiding discrimination in the workplace, legacy giving and 10 top tips for your charity website, we always aim to secure the support charities tell us they need.

“Offering pro bono time has helped me create portfolio work in the non-profit sector and increase my contacts in the industry. I would highly recommend any professional service business in Norfolk to get involved with ProHelp because it’s rewarding, fun and great for gaining experience in the not-for-profit sector.”

Rechenda Smith, Nurture Marketing

Norfolk ProHelp in 2023

more businesses join ProHelp
more businesses join ProHelp
webinars, workshops and ask us sessions held
webinars, workshops and ask us sessions held
projects matched
projects matched
£ 0 k+
worth of support provided
worth of support provided

What local businesses and charities say

“We have spoken to some inspirational people who are passionate and eager to push their organisations forward and feel honoured to be able to share our knowledge for free, knowing that just half an hour of our time can make a meaningful difference.”

Creativity Unbound, ProHelp member

“We are truly grateful for the support given and would recommend anyone with a similar need to reach out to Norfolk ProHelp!”

RSPCA East Norfolk, Charity supported

“It’s a real pleasure to be able to add value to the ProHelp client base!”

Mad-HR, ProHelp member

“We are so pleased with the result, and it will make a real difference to people struggling. Knowing they can reach out for support will have a massive impact.”

Your Own Place CIC, Charity supported

Working in partnership

ProHelp is part of Empowering Communities, a partnership between Voluntary Norfolk, Community Action Norfolk and Norfolk Community Foundation, alongside Norfolk Community Advice Network and FUSE Norwich, to deliver a progressive and impactful programme of support to the VCSE sector across Norfolk. Empowering Communities is funded by Norfolk County Council.