Capture the best of Norfolk in our community photo challenge
Every day, Norfolk Community Foundation hears about the wonderful work our charities and voluntary groups are doing in Norfolk to improve lives and create opportunities for local people.
In support of the EDP’s ‘Norfolk Day’ campaign, and to celebrate the love people have for our great county, Norfolk Community Foundation launched a photo-challenge on the 1st of May, to encourage charities and voluntary groups to take a snapshot of the amazing people, activities and places that are at the heart of their communities.
With an unprecedented response, 40 photographs were chosen by a panel of judges to be put to a public vote on Facebook. We received over 2,700 ‘likes’ on Facebook with the National Autistic Society – West Norfolk branch receiving the highest number, securing the ‘People’s Choice Winner’ and a donation of £500 to support the ongoing work of their organisation.
1st place – National Autistic Society – West Norfolk promotes acceptance and raises awareness and understanding of autism. It fundraises for autism-friendly activities and workshops, and campaigns locally on issues that affect its members.
A photograph of the group celebrating their tenth anniversary with a garden party including members of all ages.

Following this, 12 of the remaining pictures with the highest votes went to our panel of judges chosen by Norfolk Community Foundation.
2nd place – prize of £300 – Mind the Gap Music Group empowers and promotes wellbeing for adults and teenagers with mental health issues through music and film. Social groups serve as an inclusive setting which allows fellow musicians and non-musicians to come together, learn to play instruments, write songs and perform while building social confidence through music.

A group for adults with mental and physical disabilities. An action shot of everyone getting their instruments together.
Reason chosen by panel: A truly community-spirited photograph, which shows members of all ages and backgrounds supporting each other through mental health struggles and the everyday life issues while learning a new skill loved by all.
3rd place – prize of £200 – Friend in Deed is a social enterprise working in Norwich to develop happier and healthier communities by offering opportunities for social interaction between older people, parents and young children to relieve loneliness and improve physical and mental health.

A ‘Sing, Rhyme and Move event’ held in a care home in Norwich where ‘little visitors’ spend time with older people, spreading happiness.
Reason chosen by panel: A great example of intergenerational work – the photograph shows how friendships can grow between age groups, to help those who may be isolated and lonely.