Year in Review

Izzy Foss from Norfolk Community Foundation talks to a group of people in front of the Breckland Mobile Food Store bus

2022 has been a year of the books – in more ways than one.

This year, we’ve seen numerous strikes, soup-related protests, three prime ministers and the highest temperatures on record. We’ve witnessed tragedies, such as the passing of the only monarch many of us have known and the start of the war in Ukraine, but we have celebrated joyous moments, too, like the Platinum Jubilee and communities coming together in support of one another.

The Foundation has also hit some milestones this year. Not only have we awarded a record-breaking £5 million this year, but we have also recently reached the milestone of awarding £40 million since our first grant in 2005. We’ve said goodbye to some old faces, and hello to some new ones. We’ve continued our mission to make sure no one in Norfolk goes hungry, celebrated two years of supporting young people’s mental health with Sir Norman Lamb, and worked with over 100 grassroots groups to support positive activities benefitting those who need it the most.

NR5 Community Hub

In 2022…

£ 0 mil
awarded in grants
awarded in grants
0 +
Norfolk community organisations supported
Norfolk community organisations supported
0 +
households using a Nourishing Norfolk Hub
households using a Nourishing Norfolk Hub
0 +
Community Hot-Spots giving people a break from the cold
Community Hot-Spots giving people a break from the cold

Here are some of the highlights of our year:

£40 million invested in communities since 2005, with £5 million invested this year alone!

£5 million invested in communities

In a record year, Norfolk Community Foundation has awarded £5 million to over 600 of Norfolk’s charities, voluntary organisations and community interest companies. This impressive sum has been delivered not only thanks to strategic partners such as county and local councils, Feeding Britain, East of England Co-op, local wind farms and more, but also thanks to the generosity of kind individuals who want to make change on their doorstep.

Two women look out of a window. The window has a welcome sign inside.
Laura from NCF visiting Julie at Silver Road Community Centre’s Community Hot-Spot

Cost of Living Crisis

We have directed a significant amount of support to give people some relief from the cost of living crisis this winter. £400,000 of support has been delivered to local charities and voluntary groups that are helping their communities stay warm, well and connected this winter.

  • 120+ Community Hot-Spots created thanks to funding from Norfolk County Council, Norwich City Council, the East of England Coop, and generous individuals who donated their winter fuel payments to our Surviving Winter campaign.
  • 8,000 households supported through the Norfolk County Council-funded Household Support Fund, giving financial relief to Norfolk’s most vulnerable people.
  • 8 organisations have been able to hire additional staff to support the most vulnerable.
Young people at the Norwich City Community Sports Foundation

Supporting Ukraine

The world was shocked by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Norfolk, and Norwich in particular, has always had a reputation for taking in refugees, and Norfolk sprang into action to support Ukrainians arriving in our county.

  • 25 community groups were awarded funding, totalling over £70,000.
  • 10 of these have been large grants (between £1,000 and £10,000) to support refugee-specialist charities.
  • 15 grants went to smaller community groups to help Ukrainians in their new Norfolk communities, especially those in rural areas.
  • We received support from people all over Norfolk, local schools, and companies such as Aviva.
  • Launched a Facebook page for Ukrainians in Norfolk, by Ukrainians in Norfolk to direct them to relevant support.
The Princess Royal and Claire Cullens. Speaking and laughing in front of bright banners outside.
The Princess Royal speaking to CEO Claire Cullens at the Royal Norfolk Show

Royal Norfolk Show

The Foundation really put the ‘Royal’ into the Royal Norfolk Show this year when we were surprised by a visit from The Princess Royal. She asked us many questions about the Breckland Mobile Food store and the services that it provides – ranging from the kinds of foods that are available to shoppers to what additional support they can access. Her Royal Highness commented on the importance of fresh vegetables and the challenges of cooking energy efficiently.

Karen and Graeme from Norfolk Community Foundation load potatoes into bags from a trailer outside Norwich Cathedral
Karen and Graeme from Norfolk Community Foundation at Norwich Cathedral unloading potatoes donated by farmer Tim Papworth

Nourishing Norfolk Network

We’ve invested half a million in affordable community food hubs across the county as part of our Nourishing Norfolk Programme. Through the programme, families are able to shop for nutritious food at a discounted cost at a local food hub. Each hub is different, ranging from a pantry in a church porch to a supermarket in a parade of shops, but all work to connect people to other support they may need.

  • 13,000 families shopping locally for nutritious food at discounted prices.
  • £50 per household to provide this support.
  • Extra support provided through local partnerships with Citizen’s Advice, DIAL and others.
  • Support from Norfolk County Council, Norse, Feeding Britain, and Breckland Council, as well as donors, farmers and fantastic volunteers!
Members of the Sir Norman Lamb Coalition for Young People

Sir Norman Lamb Coalition for Young People

The Sir Norman Lamb Coalition for Young People has just celebrated its second anniversary. An independent report found that 90% of young people supported by the first grants round reported improved wellbeing.

  • Over £300k of support delivered to 23 coalition members this year.
  • 52 members are now part of the Sir Norman Lamb Coalition for Young People, receiving support in both grants, training, shared resources and networking.
Pippa Dannatt holds large baloons reading 4 0. She stands in front of the Norfolk Community Foundation team.
The team with patron Pippa Dannatt and NCF trustee Fiona McDiarmid

New Faces

As our achievements and ambitions have grown, so has our team. This year we have welcomed 9 new staff members to the foundation.

  • Director of Programmes and Insight, Katy
  • Head of Programmes, Laura
  • Programmes Advisors Izzy, Lizzi, Corrie and Sophie
  • Finance Assistant, Sharon
  • Nourishing Norfolk team, Billie and Tori