Providing life-changing skills and opportunities
Did you know…
Norfolk has it’s challenges when it comes to skills and employment:
- Wages are lower than the rest of the region.
- Fewer people are achieving degrees and more leaving education with no qualifications than elsewhere in the East of England.
- Higher numbers of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) in the county.
What’s the solution?
Local charities are perfectly positioned to address the skills shortage, equipping young people for success and tackling barriers to employment. Building skills and aspirations for people of all ages helps to enrich our lives and enable us to flourish at work, at home and in the community. Overcoming obstacles to engage with education and move towards employment can transform lives, particularly for those who face personal challenges and struggle to thrive in mainstream settings.

How are we helping?
Providing access to lifelong learning and helping to connect us with our communities and the people around us is key to unlocking skills and opportunities for people in Norfolk. We’re doing this by supporting a range of projects, including:
- Helping young people access employment through real-life work placements.
- Providing advice and support to help people navigate the journey to employment, from writing CVs to being interviewed.
- Improving child literacy in Norfolk.
Discover the impact of our work to develop skills
Help us provide life-changing skills and opportunities
You can help us take action and fund these local projects tackling many of the barriers to employment and giving our young people the confidence and skills they need to make the most of future opportunities by making a donation today.
Donations can be made by:
- Completing the donation form on the page.
- Calling 01603 623958 to make a card payment over the phone.
- Sending a cheque made payable to Norfolk Community Foundation (referencing ‘Skills for Norfolk’ on the reverse) to Norfolk Community Foundation, First Floor, Carmelite House, 2 St James Court, Norwich, NR3 1SL.