More than 6,000 people are being supported by Norfolk Community Foundation into volunteering and opportunities to build social connections thanks to the Government’s Know Your Neighbourhood Fund.
Over £1.1million has been allocated by Norfolk Community Foundation to create high quality volunteering opportunities and support people experiencing, or at risk of loneliness in Great Yarmouth. This will support over 6,000 people with access to opportunities such as training young people in youth work, encouraging people to sign up to be scout leaders, enabling people to engage in community gardening and supporting isolated people through activities like board game clubs.
Norfolk Community Foundation, along with eight other accredited community foundations from the UKCF network has been supporting a range of projects aimed at tackling loneliness and increasing volunteering.
Recent research has found that those living in the most deprived areas are more likely to report feeling lonely, as well as being less likely to volunteer. Research has also shown that loneliness is closely linked with mental health and wellbeing, and that certain types of volunteering opportunities can help connect communities and help people develop skills and grow their networks.

Feathers Futures are a charity supporting women in Great Yarmouth. They are using their funding to recruit an additional 20 volunteers each year, offering 10 accredited peer mentor training to be able to use their lived experience to support others in similar situations.
Jo hopes that recruiting more volunteers will enable more women to meet, stating that “over 80% of women accessing Feathers Futures felt isolated and lonely before coming, this mirrors many of the conversations we have and was the reason we run a number of social groups with the primary aim of reducing isolation”. Jo added that “We know from our first cohort of peer mentors that not only did we benefit from their increased skills and confidence, but that they reported they felt more confident at home and out and about in the community.”

“Being a volunteer at Age Connected has helped me so much in what were very dark times for me when I had no confidence, self-worth and was stricken with anxiety every day. I came to the centre to find some help that day, and the cup of tea and time the staff spent with me, it really did change my life for the better and I still say, that day I took my first step forward and I haven’t looked back, they wanted to listen to me and talk about me, I felt like a ton of concrete had been taken off my back. They saw the worth in me and so did the other volunteers. They were all lovely and now I can say are my friends, That centre is a special and friendly place and I see what magic it does every day. I come in 3 days a week and my support worker is amazed by my improvement and how strong I am with day to day life. I’ve found me again.”
Some of the organisations to benefit from the £1.1million funded by Norfolk Community Foundation include:
- Great Yarmouth Pathway
- St Mary Magdalene PCC (Gorleston)
- The Bread Kitchen CIC
- The Shoebox Enterprises CIC
- Volunteer It Yourself CIC
- St George’s Theatre
- Mancroft Advice Project (MAP)
- Wastesmiths CIC
- MensCraft
- Age Connected Great Yarmouth
- Afghanistan and Central Asian Association
- Home-Start Norfolk
- Feathers Futures CIO
- East Norfolk District Scout Council
- Action Community Enterprise CIC Limited
Published: 27.10.23