#ProBonoWeek is celebrating its 20th year, and we’d like you to join the conversation. This is an excellent opportunity for you to associate yourself and your brand with the fantastic work that ProHelp has done over the past year. Two new case studies have been uploaded to the Norfolk Community Foundation website here and here, highlighting for all to see the vital community support offered by the network. Using your own (or business) Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, we kindly ask that you put out a couple of posts during #ProBonoWeek 2021.
We have prepared some ready-made social media content for you to share in the run up to, and the week of pro bono week 1-5 November, which are available to download below. Equally, please feel free to draft your own pieces, discussing what the network means to you, the good it does in the community or some recent pro bono work you have done.
Be sure to follow us on our social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn) and comment on our posts, and we’ll do the same for you. If you need any assistance, please contact Adam.