After downloading the relevant pack below, please look at the ‘Read Me’ file to get inspiration for posts and vital links to the Norfolk Community Foundation website, where the book can be purchased. Please post only after 1st November 2021.
Thank you so much for sharing these posts on social media. They will help to drive book sales, raising vital funds for the Norfolk Community Foundation. If you are having any problems accessing the media, please call us or email adambaker@norfolkfoundation.comĀ
If you are a charity, non-profit or community interest company that is featured in the book, you can use the “Promotional material for charities/VCSE” pack.
If you are one of our sponsors, such as Lanpro, please use the “Promotional material for sponsors ONLY” pack.
If you wish to promote the book, but you are not a sponsor or a listed VCSE organisation, the “General promotional material” pack is best. These can be used on your personal social media accounts, posted to community group pages (with permission, of course) or used on business social media accounts.

General promotional material

Promotional material for charities/VCSE
