We’re delighted to announce that young people in Thetford will benefit from a range of much needed activities and opportunities thanks to our new community funding initiative, Thetford shines brighter.
Launched in October 2019, Thetford shines brighter is an initiative led by local people and facilitated by Norfolk Community Foundation to make a difference to those who live and work in the town. Thetford people have come together to create a pot of money to help great community projects get off the ground, and start changing local lives.
After talking to a range of local people, charities, services, businesses and schools, it was agreed that the first area for action was increasing support and opportunities for young people. Following this, local charities and community groups working with young people were encouraged to apply for funding via Norfolk Community Foundation to develop opportunities available, and over £10,000 has now been awarded to a range of initiatives needing immediate support, including:
- support for local job club members and their search for employment through the purchase of vital IT equipment, including laptops and printers
- the creation of a weekly after school club at the Charles Burrell Centre in partnership with nearby schools, offering support with homework plus additional activities
- the purchase of tracksuits for the local football club’s teams, which include children aged 4-16, adult and girls’ teams, to provide warmth and demonstrate team membership.
The impact of these initiatives will be closely monitored to ensure they are making a real difference towards helping Thetford’s children and young people fulfil their potential. However, identifying which projects need immediate support is just the start of Thetford shines brighter’s activity. Norfolk Community Foundation will continue to work with local people to support the great local activity and make Thetford a place of opportunity and aspiration for young people.
Terry Jermy, Chief Executive of the Charles Burrell Centre, said:
“This funding through Thetford shines brighter will enable us to extend what we offer and provide activities for children and young people as well through the after-school club. We’ve liaised with nearby Diamond Academy and know that there is demand for a service such as this so we’re very pleased that we can now make this happen”.

Access Community Trust, Thetford
Antony Parke, Head of Commercial Growth and Customer Service at Access Community Trust, who are supporting young people to find employment, said:
“Thankfully, Thetford shines brighter have provided us with welcomed funding to purchase additional laptops and printers. Their generosity ensures we are able to make a difference to more people at a greater pace.”
Claire Cullens, CEO of Norfolk Community Foundation, said:
“We’re very excited to mark the beginning of extra support and opportunities for many young people in Thetford through the power of the local community coming together to take action. Let’s join together to build on this, to give Thetford’s young people access to a brighter future and encourage them to believe in themselves so that they can achieve at the highest level.”