Private Wealth Leaders Supper

Thank you to Howes Percival and Barratt & Cooke who have established the Private Wealth Leaders Supper, helping to support children and young people across Norfolk.

Attendees at the supper on Wednesday 15th November are suggested to give a donation in aid of the Sir Norman Lamb Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund. Please continue to the bottom of the page to make your donation.

We are continuing to support and raise funds for the Sir Norman Lamb Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund via a charitable ticket price for the event of £50 per person. Please continue to the bottom of the page to make your donation.

The Fund has brought together more than 50 Norfolk-based community organisations supporting over 10,000 young people into a like-minded coalition, providing access to shared resources and funding and training opportunities, sharing good practice, raising the profile of the work that groups do, and linking up with larger countywide and national networks. So far, the Sir Norman Lamb Coalition for Young People has enabled over £500,000 worth of support to member organisations, strengthening and enhancing existing youth work groups, helping to keep young people connected, reduce detrimental and risky behaviours (e.g. substance abuse), and provide a place of respite and sanctuary.

Swan Youth Project

Build a brighter future for our children and young people

“Your funding has helped so many young people go from simply surviving to thriving.”

Mancroft Advice Project
ASD Helping Hands
We are continuing to support and raise funds for the Sir Norman Lamb Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund via a charitable ticket price for the event of £50 per person. Please make your donation below.

We encourage you to make your donation using the form above.

Alternatively, you may pay by BACS. Our account details for payments are as follows:

Account Number: 90443190 | Sort Code: 20-62-61 | Reference: SNLPWS

or by sending a cheque made payable to Norfolk Community Foundation (referencing SNLPWS on the reverse of the cheque) to Norfolk Community Foundation, St. James Mill, Whitefriars, Norwich, NR3 1TN.

Updated on: 25th Oct 2023