You can now get snapping and enter our annual photo competition celebrating inspirational local charities and community groups.
This Norfolk Day, we want to continue to celebrate the amazing people, activities and places that are at the heart of our communities. We’re inviting charities and voluntary groups in Norfolk to send in their photos capturing community projects in their area, showcasing community action and spirit.
The winning entry will receive a £500 cash prize, with a second prize of £300 and a third prize of £200 available.
Following shortlisting and then decision by an expert panel, the winning images will be announced to celebrate Norfolk Day on Saturday 27th July 2024. Three winners will receive a cash prize of up to £500 to support the work of their community group and we aim to feature as many entries as possible throughout our work during the next year.
Deadline for submission is Wednesday 17th July 2024.
How to enter
If you are a local charity or group we would love to receive image(s) illustrating snapshots of your inspirational work.
The competition requirements include:
- Photos must include people
- Photos must be taken in Norfolk
- Entrants must be based in Norfolk
- Photos must be in good quality digital format
Please ensure before submitting an entry that you have read the competition terms and conditions at the bottom of the page for further information, including about receiving permission from how entries may be used by the Foundation for publicity and promotional work.
Before submitting your entries, please ensure all image file names include the name of your organisation.
2023’s winning entries
First place: Stepping Stones

Second place: Centre 81

Third place: Harpley Community Craft Club

Photo competition terms and conditions
Competition rules
To enter this competition you must be the author of the image(s) and own the copyright. Norfolk Community Foundation accepts no liability if an image is unlawfully reproduced.
Photos must contain people, be taken in Norfolk and entrants must be based in Norfolk.
Entrants must ensure that everyone featured in the photograph has given their consent to be included and used for the purpose of the competition and by Norfolk Community Foundation as described below. By submitting your photograph you are confirming you have the required permission.
Entrants will retain the copyright of their image(s) but in entering the competition they agree to allow Norfolk Community Foundation to reproduce, enlarge, publish, exhibit (print and digital) their image(s) in any future promotional or charity literature. Images submitted may also be featured in the local press.
The winners will be notified directly and will be featured on Norfolk Community Foundation’s website and social media sites.
Payments can only be made to a charity or community group bank account.
Norfolk Community Foundation’s decision on the winning entry is final, and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the judging and competition organisation.
By entering the competition you agree to Norfolk Community Foundation using your details to process your entry. Your details will not be used for marketing purposes.
Competition information
Image(s) (high resolution – 300dpi or greater), together with the relevant entry form, must be submitted digitally. We regret that we are unable to accept postal entries.
The closing date is Wednesday 17th July 2024 at 5pm. Entries received after this time will not be accepted.
Norfolk Community Foundation will then put together a list of shortlisted images, which will be put to a vote by an expert panel with the winners announced on Norfolk Day (Saturday 27th July 2024).
The winners will be notified directly and featured on Norfolk Community Foundation’s website and social media sites, and may be published by the press.
The winning entry will receive a £500 cash prize, with a second prize of £300 and a third place of £200 to support the work of their organisations.
Published: 21/06/2024