Creativity Unbound creative agency teams up with Norfolk ProHelp and Norfolk Community Foundation to offer free marketing appointments for Norfolk VCSEs
Creativity Unbound is a creative agency specialising in charities. They understand your unique challenges, and the need to get your message heard. Their human first approach will help you realise the true potential of your audiences and transform a moment of help, into a lifetime of support.
Each month the team from Creativity Unbound will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about your charity’s design, marketing and fundraising needs, helping you to achieve better engagement, long term growth and financial stability. Over the course of 45 minutes, Nikki and Michelle will advise you on any marketing topic of your choosing, such as fundraising, social media, brand, design or websites.

“Really helpful and clear advice with the option for some follow up.”
Book your session
4 x 45-minute one-to-one sessions for each date:
- 25th Feb
- 25th March
- 13th May
- 24th June
- 15th July
- 23rd September
- 21st Oct
- 25th Nov

Good for Good
Ask us About… Marketing is being delivered as part of Norfolk Community Foundation’s Good for Good programme, a way of enabling local businesses to do good in practical ways, for their staff to get involved in helping charities and making getting involved much easier. To find out more, go to