The Welcome Backpacks Fund aim is to help organisations provide a ‘Welcome Backpack’ to any individual who has an identified need, but particularly people who are newly seeking asylum.
This funding has been made possible by the Norfolk County Council; and is part of a suite of initiatives under the Welcome to Norfolk programme.
This funding has become available because of the new UK Government Policy which requires all Local Authorities to house asylum seekers. It is estimated that Norfolk’s quota will be 700 refugees, asylum seekers or displaced people.
We know that our local charities are always front and centre as people arrive following war or natural disaster in their home countries, supporting both the short and long-term practical needs of those fleeing for their safety.
Norfolk VCSE organisations can apply for grants with a maximum value of £2,000.
A £2,000 grant could purchase 40 backpacks and their contents with a total value of £50, but alternatively an application can also include volunteer related costs, storage costs, or other expenses associated with the project. Applications can be made at any time until the funding runs out.

This funding could be suitable if you:
- Are a Norfolk charity or voluntary group working with one or more of the target communities.
- Can demonstrate your experience working with people who are seeking asylum, and a willingness to work collaboratively with relevant organisations (VSCE and statutory including The Terrence Higgins Trust).
This fund can support costs associated with the backpacks:
- Contents of the backpacks can be created to meet the needs of specific age ranges.
- Volunteer expenses
- Storage costs
- Or other expenses
Linked below is an example of what you could include in your backpack. However, it may vary depending on the observed local need.
What else do I need to know?
When to apply
This is a rolling grant.
Grants must be fully spent within a year of accessing the grant, but we encourage you to use this funding as soon as possible.
Additional funding could be available to organisations as a top-up grant if you can demonstrate that you have fully utilised the initial funding and that you are still experiencing a demand.
How to apply
All applicants should check that they meet NCF’s eligibility criteria.
Please use the ‘Apply online’ link below to begin an online application.
Making an application
You should also be able to art promptly to provide support to meet immediate needs once funding is awarded.
Call for Applications
Maximum Grant
Who can apply?
Charity, Faith organisation, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group
Eligible Area
Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, and South Norfolk