The Big Oardeal Sports and Opportunities Fund

James Bracey and The Big Oardeal Team took part in the epic fundraiser: World’s Toughest Row, rowing 3,000 miles across the Atlantic in 41 days. The money raised from this has gone towards creating The Big Oardeal Sports and Opportunities Fund. James has had his adventure and now it is your turn. He is buoyant with excitement to see what comes out of this Fund!

What is this Fund all a-boat? 

Grants of up to £3,000 are available to support Norfolk based children and young people (up to and including those aged 25) who are missing out on opportunities to seas-e the day, by:

  • Pursuing their sporting ambitions and realise their full sporting potential.
  • Pursuing ‘outdoor’ and ‘adventure’ opportunities that broaden their horizons (including residential / away day activities).
  • Gaining new and positive learning experiences, hobbies, and interests.
  • Gaining new access to activities and opportunities that would not ordinarily be available to them.

This funding may be right for you if:

  • You are either a voluntary, charity or social enterprise organisation working with young people, or a sports and activity clubs (with a charitable purpose), or a uniformed organisation such as Scouts.
  • You are a charitable organisation which has a clear track record in delivering a range of charitable, voluntary and community activities where Norfolk is the primary area of benefit.
  • You can highlight how you are reaching or plan to reach young people who would otherwise be missing out on the opportunity. Priority will go to those supporting young people from a disadvantaged group.
  • You are seeking project costs or costs relating to ongoing development needs of their group (i.e. core costs). Requests can include small, portable pieces of equipment to aid in the delivery of activities. However, they will need to highlight how this is essential to the inclusion of young people who would normally be missing out.

Unfortunately, there are a few things that can’t be funded. This funding is not right for you if:

  • You are a school.
  • You want to fund a building / refurbishment project, or other permanent changes or repairs to premises.

What else do I need to know?

When to apply

The Fund is now closed. The deadline for submission of applications was 12 noon on Tuesday 2nd July. We expect to confirm funding decisions by the start of August 2024.

Don’t miss the boat on applying to give your young people a ferry-tail ending.

How to apply

All applicants should check that they meet NCF’s eligibility criteria.

Please use the ‘Apply online’ link below to begin an online application.

Funding Available

Grants of up to £3,000 are available and must be spent within 12 months of the award.

Organisations may apply to receive a larger grant if they are able to demonstrate a developed activity or offer they would like to explore, or if they will be working in partnership with other VCSE organisations. It is recommended to contact the Programmes Team before making an application if you are considering applying for over £3,000.

James chose to donate to the Norfolk Community Foundation because he wanted to give more young people the opportunity to get involved with sports and outdoor activities. “I chose the Norfolk Community Foundation because it was local and we could tailor it to have a bigger reach. It feels like [the charity] is entirely relevant, because we’ve got two kids and I want other children to have those same opportunities”.
This is his lega-sea so the panel will be composed of James, his wife and two children! 



Call for Applications


Maximum Grant

£3,000 +


2 July 2024 – 12:00pm

Who can apply?

Charity, Faith organisation, Parish/Town Council, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group

Eligible Area

Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, and South Norfolk

Find Out More & Apply