Norfolk Household Support Fund

A woman bends down to inspect produce on a shelf

The Norfolk Household Support Fund (funded through the Norfolk County Council Cost of Living Support Scheme) is returning to help with the rising costs of household bills. This round of funding can support any households who are particularly vulnerable to increasing cost of living. This funding is not means tested but the organisation will need to have an understanding of the applicant’s circumstances before applying.

The Household Support Fund has been created to provide a straightforward route for frontline Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations to deliver vital and immediate financial support with household bills.

This funding is to complement the existing support provided through your services, which should include signposting and provision of information to those who are particularly vulnerable to the increasing cost of living.

Norfolk VCSE organisations can apply for grants with a maximum value of £100 per household, who have been identified as particularly vulnerable to the cost of living crisis, to help with the cost of household bills such as food and energy costs. Please see the link below which shows how this funding can be used to support household bills.

This funding has been made possible by Norfolk County Council working with the Department of Work & Pensions on the Household Support Fund.

Please note that Parish Councils are NOT able to apply to this round of Household Support. 

Who can apply?

Funding will be available to VCSE organisations taking an active role to respond to emerging needs in our communities over the coming months. Organisations applying are expected to already be connected to the people you aim to help through your other support services/ activities and have an understanding of their needs.

If you are a volunteer or informal (unconstituted) community group – such as a Good Neighbour Scheme – that is aware of people in your community who would benefit from this support, you may be able to connect with another local charity, or community organisation to enable them to receive help.


We cannot accept applications from individuals, businesses, local government, public/ private health services, schools or other statutory bodies.

How to apply

This Fund is now closed

When to apply

The Fund is now closed to applications.

Grants must be fully spent by Monday 30 September 2024 at the latest but we encourage you to use this funding as soon as possible.

Making an application

VCSE organisations can typically apply to support a maximum of 200 households with £100 in each application (equivalent value £20,000). If your group wishes to support a higher number of households, please contact us for advice before applying.

The application form will ask you to provide a breakdown of household demographics. These include households with a member under 19, 65 and over, with a disability, and others. Where a household fits more than one category, as far as possible, consider who the award is principally intended to support and/or the nature of the support you provide for them. The total from the 4 categories MUST equal the total number of households applied for.

You should also be in a position to act promptly to provide support to meet immediate needs once funding is awarded.

We understand you may be working with individuals and families whose needs exceed household bills support – the Client Hardship Service may be able to help.

The fastest route to access the Client Hardship Service is online using the link above, or if applying online is not possible, call 01603 223392 (option 5).

Call for Applications


Maximum Grant


Who can apply?

Charity, Faith organisation, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group

Eligible Area

Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, and South Norfolk

Find Out More & Apply