About the Fund
This Fund has been created by NHS Norfolk and Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group through their Health Equality Partnership project. The aim of this fund is to provide grants to the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE) to enable them to develop and trial activities which enhance the model of Continuity of Carer, to improve outcomes for mothers, families and their babies served by the James Paget University Hospital (JPUH).
Fund outcomes:
- To enhance the Continuity of Carer and Better Births Agenda at JPUH, by working with Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations to respond to the unique needs of disadvantaged communities.
- To address specific areas of need and known vulnerabilities that focus on black and minority ethnic groups, translation and language barriers, Learning Disability and Autism, and other minority needs that impact on delivering safe maternity care.
Funding available
Grants of up to £10,000 are available. Grants must be spent within 12 months of award.
What type of activity can be funded
Grants can be used to enable a range of activity in the ante-natal and immediate post-natal period, including but not limited to:
- Accessible information – including interpretation/ translation services, parenting classes and the provision of information about health and the care of babies in different languages or aimed to support specific groups e.g. parents with learning disabilities and autism.
- Pre/postnatal fitness activities to improve pelvic health, mental health and well-being.
- Early intervention and support for parental anxiety and mental health and well-being.
- Childcare and transport services – so both (prospective) parents can attend appointments.
- Education and support for the fathers/partners – around childcare, healthcare services, parenting.
- Home economics support with a focus on healthy eating and food security.
- Applications that focus on providing a support to bereaved families following a pregnancy loss can be considered where need is present among communities affected by deprivation as outlined in the fund outcomes.
Funding priorities
The Fund will aim to support a geographical spread of funded activity across Norfolk and Waveney. Successful applicants will:
- Demonstrate a proven track record in relevant activities, and the skills, experience and capacity to deliver proposed work successfully.
- Demonstrate a strong understanding of the challenges facing the people you aim to help, and ability to reach and engage them with tailored approaches.
- Present proposals that are designed in response to identified maternity care needs, and show the additionality that funding will enable.
- Present a model for capturing and measuring the impact of their funded activity.
The Fund is not able to support:
- Funding cannot be used to support projects or initiatives that should be covered by core NHS, social care or other statutory services.
- Funding cannot be used to support private healthcare/ other private sector services.
- Grants cannot be awarded to individuals/ informal (non-constituted) groups.
- Applications purely for breastfeeding support are unlikely to be successful.
Excluded organisations/ groups may support and partner a funded VCSE organisation to deliver its activities, but cannot directly receive funding through this programme.
How to apply
Please use the ‘Apply online’ link below to begin an online Expression of Interest .
When to apply
The deadline for applications is 12noon on Thursday 21st April. We aim to confirm funding decisions in June 2022.
Who can help
If you have any questions or would like to discuss an application, please contact Stefanie Pearson on 01603 623958 or email stefaniepearson@norfolkfoundation.com.
Call for Applications
Maximum Grant
21 April 2022 – 12:00pm
Who can apply?
Charity, Faith organisation, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group
Eligible Area
Great Yarmouth and Waveney