The Community Engagement for Sexual and Reproductive Health Prevention programme has been made possible by Norfolk County Council Public Health. This is in line with the Health Inequalities Strategic Framework for Action by the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System (ICS).

Grants of up to £10,000 are available to provide funding for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector organisations working in Norfolk. We are encouraging groups to apply who are committed to addressing differences in health outcomes, promoting wellbeing through prevention, locally led approaches, co-production and serving one or more of the groups at risk of sexual and reproductive health (SRH):
- Asylum seekers, migrants, and refugees
- Adults facing homelessness
- Asian communities
- Black African communities
- Gypsy Roma Traveller communities
- Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men who are from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) groups
- Middle aged men aged 30 to 65 years old
- Sexual workers (online and street based)
- Women aged 25 and over including exploited and vulnerable women
- Young people aged under 25 and not in education, employment or training (NEET) or facing complex challenges
Sexual Health refers to everything relating to sex, including sexual activities, sexual contacts, sexual behaviours, sexually transmitted infections (STI), sexual screening treatment. Reproductive Heath refers to everything related to pregnancy, pregnancy prevention, use of contraception and abortion.
Fund Aims:
- Improve knowledge and understanding of SRH, STI, HIV and contraception amongst those affected most by health inequalities
- Promote good sexual and reproductive health and identify unmet needs
- Build capacity to provide peer support and positive sexual health messages
- Facilitate access or generate useful insights that would help improve access to available prevention and treatment services
For more information including the 5-year vision (page 4) please see here
What type of activity can be funded
The grant can be used to pay for any small equipment or materials, training, resources, or expert assistance and staff costs.
The funding might be right for you if you can demonstrate that the project:
- meets the fund aims and aligns with one or more of the target populations
- is an original and exciting idea, or is an expansion of existing activities e.g. reaching new geographies or communities or an additional day of delivery
- will be impactful to one or more of the targeted communities, you should be able to demonstrate a track record of delivering work with this community
- has a clear plan of action and detailed process of delivery
- has a clear timeline for delivery and can be spent within 12 months of receipt
This funding might NOT be right if you:
- Your activities do NOT address one of the fund’s aims or groups
- You are applying for an existing service, project or activity that you are already delivering without any additionalities
- You are looking for large capital (building) costs
- Funding cannot be used to support public or private healthcare, statutory health services, as well as to support projects or initiatives that should by covered by core NHS or public sector funding
- If you are not going to be delivering a project in Norfolk
All applicants must meet NCF’s general eligibility criteria.
If you are successful in receiving funding, you will be expected to take part in the Making every contact count (MECC) training if you have not already. Additionally, we will give you a call to check in at 3 months and send over an Interim Monitoring Form at 6-months and a Final Monitoring Form at the end of the funded period (12-months)
Who can apply
Funding will be available to registered charities and constituted voluntary and community organisations that are clearly based or operating in Norfolk.
How to apply
Please use the ‘Apply online’ link below to begin an online application.
When to apply
The deadline for applications is 18th of March at 12pm. We aim to confirm funding decisions by the end of April.
Call for Applications
Maximum Grant
18 March 2025 – 12:00pm
Who can apply?
Charity, Faith organisation, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group
Eligible Area
Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, and South Norfolk