This fund aims to tackle key Health and Social Care workforce and education issues by supporting people into rewarding careers in the Health and Social Care sector.
Funding will support community organisations to develop their services and activities by helping people to gain the skills, knowledge and confidence needed for employment in Health and Social Care. Funded projects will work towards removing significant barriers for individuals to find and sustain employment in this sector.

Grants of £15,000 are available to support Health and Social Care in Norfolk through charitable, voluntary and community organisations who are delivering activities that focus on at least one of the following areas:
1. Improving opportunities for all through projects that provide work, training, and upskilling for staff and/or volunteers
Funding is available for community organisations to train staff and volunteers in areas of their current service, which in turn can support the pressures currently faced within the wider Health and Social Care sector. Any training taking place will need to be outside the normal in house training that community organisations are currently delivering, and enhance their staff/ volunteer’s knowledge base.
Project Examples:
- Providing Dignity in Care training.
- Providing specialist training i.e., in learning disabilities and/or autism.
- Providing work familiarisation activities to give people an understanding of the skills needed for employment in the Health and Social Care Sector.
2. Your BIG Health and Social Care idea
Developing innovative ways to tackle new and emerging Health and Social Care employment and/or training issues. Groups are encouraged to think of new and inventive projects to remove barriers to employment in Health and Social Care that people in your community experience, helping them to find and sustain employment.
Project examples:
- Running sessions in how to complete online job application forms, bridging the gap between the community and employer.
- Projects that support people to overcome the barriers to studying and employment such affordable childcare for parents and carers, transport options for people living rurally, and support with sharing of study resources for people on low income.
- Bringing people together from different professions in the Health and Social Care sector to explore their jobs and learn about entry routes in the occupation.
When completing your application form, please indicate which one of the funding areas your activity will support. Please let us know if your project will work within both areas.
Strong applications will be from organisations who:
- Have an active role/ are already working within or providing support in the Health and Social Care space.
- Are able to demonstrate a sustainable impact, showing how their project will help to move people towards employment in Health and Social Care.
Funding cannot support:
- Capital projects.
Funding available:
Grants of up to £15,000 are available. Please note: payments in two instalments. 70% of the grant will be provided at the point of award, and the following 30% at the six month point in the project.
All applications must meet NCF’s eligibility criteria.
Priority Areas:
Funding will be prioritised for organisations based in/ or clearly operating in Norwich, King’s Lynn, and Great Yarmouth.
Q&A Session:
If you missed the Q&A session on the 9th January, a copy of the recording can be found here.
Call for Applications
Maximum Grant
9 February 2024 – 12:00pm
Who can apply?
Charity, Social Enterprise/CIC, and Voluntary/Community Group
Eligible Area
Breckland, Broadland, Great Yarmouth, King’s Lynn & West Norfolk, North Norfolk, Norwich, and South Norfolk